Garlic is one amongst the oldest acknowledged agricultural crops. For over many years Garlic been used as food, medicine, an aphrodisiac, cash and magic potions. Garlic has several different names, which are still in use. They referred as "Russian Penicillin", as "Natural Antibiotic" since it cures many infections, as "Vegetable Viagra", as "Plant talisman", as "Snake Grass" etc. Ancient medical books or texts from India, Egypt, Greece, Rome, China has written about the medicinal values of Garlic.
The ancient Greek Physician Hippocrates (Father of Western Medicine) (460-370 BC) mentioned Garlic as a remedy for treating respiratory problems, poor digestion, intestine parasites and fatigue. Garlic used as a “Performance enhancing” agent, it gave strength and courage to the original Olympic Greek Athletes and warriors.
Garlic, this aromatic bulb is one of the oldest known food-flavouring ingredients of many civilizations across the world. Garlic has a pungent smell and has a strong flavour. Garlic is one of the species among the onion genus, Allium.
Scientific Name : Allium sativum
Family : Amaryllidaceae (Onion Family)
Garlic is a plant with long grass like leaves and a hood(cap) like structure around the flowers. The bulb, divided into many smaller bulbs called Cloves, which covered by a thin white papery skin. Amino acid, called Alliin and an enzyme called Allinase are the important components in garlic. When the cloves are chewed, chopped, or bruised, the above compounds mixed to form Allicin. This is responsible for garlic’s strong smell. Allicin, in turn, then breaks down into Sulphur compounds.
Garlic has been cultivated or used for over 5000 years as food, medicine, an aphrodisiac, money and magic potions. This shows that Garlic is one of the earliest farmed crops. People believed that garlic, warded off the evil eyes, was hung over doors, warded off local witches and protected pregnant women from evil things in the Old World
It is a mystery where and when garlic was used or cultivated first. However, the Experts believe the origin of Garlic is from West and Middle Asia or Central Asia. Garlic was in use in all major civilizations (Egyptians, Babylonians, Indus Valley, Greeks, Roman and Chinese) of ancient world. During the Middle Ages, Garlic was given to the peoples who suffered from the disease Plague. The French people believed that Garlic has saved hundreds of lives from Plague in 1720.
Louis Pasteur studied Garlic’s Antibiotic properties in early1858. In the 20th Century, Garlic successfully treated the African people from cholera, typhoid fever and Dysentery in 1950s. During World War I and World War II, the battle wounds were treated using garlic.
In Ancient Egypt, Garlic was in use when the Giza Pyramids built, about 5000 years ago. These peoples considered Garlic as food, medicine and as a religious ingredient (they believed it gives prolong life), antiseptic for curing wounds. The Royals fed Garlic to the slaves who involved in building pyramids, heavy laborers to maintain and increase their strength to work harder. The youngest pharaoh Tutankhamen died in 1324 BC; Archaeologists have discovered Cloves of Garlic in various clay pots from his tomb in 1922. From ancient Egypt, Garlic has spread to the Indus Valley Civilization.
Herodotus noted down that the builders of the Egyptian pyramids (circa 2700–1700 BCE) given large amounts of garlic almost certainly to protect them against malaria.
In Ancient Greece, the army members have fed with garlic before they go for battles. It has been used as an offering to gods. Greeks believed garlic could treat scorpion bite, mad dog’s bite (applied garlic directly on their wounds), snakebite (drank a mixture of garlic and wine), cure asthma and protect from leprosy. Hence, Greeks called Garlic as Snake grass. There was also a belief, that if garlic hung down in entrance of the house it could protect them from smallpox. Like in Ancient Egypt, the Archaeologists have discovered Garlic bulbs at the Palace of Knossos (1850-1400 BC) in the Greek island of Crete and unearthed Cloves of Garlic in Greek temples. Dioscorides (chief Physician of Nero’s Army) prescribed garlic as a remedy for colic relief.
In Ancient Rome, Garlic fed to both Sailors and Soldiers to increase their strength. Pliny the Elder (23-79AD) a Roman Physician and Scientist has said Garlic as a “Universal remedy”. In his Book ‘Historia Naturalis’, he has mentioned the uses of Garlic for many disorders. Some of them are protection against Toxins and infections. Galen (Father of Galenic Pharmacy), the famous Physician and Medical writer of Rome named Garlic as “rustic’s theriac” since it cured many diseases. He prescribed Garlic for digestion problems and for colic relief.
Ancient China: In Ancient China Garlic used as a preservative. They used in their regular diet with raw meat. Fatigue, sadness, insomnia, headache were treated with Garlic. Respiratory problems, digestion, Diarrhoea, worm infestations treated with Garlic. Chinese believed, Garlic improve male potency.
Ancient India: Garlic identified by Ancient Indians and cultivated it around 6000 years ago because of its taste and medicinal properties. Garlic used in both Unani and Ayurvedic for its healing behaviour. The Medical Book ‘Charaka-Samhita’(Writings of Ayurveda), suggested Garlic for the treatment of heart disease and Arthritis.
In the Bower Manuscript (Between 4-6th Century AD) older than Charaka-Samhita, suggested Garlic for infections, infestations, fatigue and weakness. The Indian peoples went to Middle East for trading purpose around 3000 BC; there they introduced Garlic to the mighty Babylonian and Assyrian Empires. This made the spreading of Garlic into Middle East and Eastern Europe.
The Assyrians used Garlic for reducing the body temperature. They prepared tea from Garlic, which used to avoid constipation problems. Further, they used Garlic for treating muscle inflammation and intestine parasites.
Garlic, was also used by Ancient Israel people. The Book of Judaism ‘Talmud’ prescribed a meal with Garlic every Friday.
Tibetans called Garlic as ‘rank rose’. The Tibetans consumed Garlic for curing stomachache. Garlic grown in the gardens of Babylon; hence local people referred Garlic as ‘rank rose’.
To the New World (America) was introduced by French, Spanish and Portuguese peoples. In 1878, John Gunn, the author of ‘The Home Book of Health’ has mentioned Garlic as diuretic, for treatment of infections, tonic, asthma and for other pulmonary disorders. In the early 20th century, Dr.Joseph Richardson, author of ‘Health Remedies, a Complete Medical Work and Family Guide’ suggested Garlic for the lung diseases. In 1917-1918, people wore Garlic necklace while going out to prevent them from the epidemic influenza.
In 1548, Garlic brought to the Great Britain, from the coasts of Mediterranean Sea.
Lonicerus, German Botanist (1528-1586) suggested Garlic against helminths (worm like parasites), skin diseases and for dandruff.
In 1720, Marseille peoples saved from the spread of plague disease because of consuming Garlic.
Louis Pasteur discovered the anti bacterial properties of Garlic since Garlic killed Helicobacter pylori bacteria .
Lekrek, French Phytotherapist used Garlic as a remedy during the pandemic influenza, called ‘Spanish fever’ in 1918.
Russian physicians used Garlic for a long period for treating Respiratory tract diseases, and with other compounds used as inhalator for children; hence Garlic called as ‘Russian penicillin’ or ‘Natural antibiotic’.
Garlic, is one of the first plant to cultivate by man. People have learned to make tea and tinctures out of Garlic. By consuming Garlic, people prevented them from many diseases like gastric infections, cold fever, and diarrhoea. Some religions’ did not permit consuming of Garlic. Greeks and Romans did not allow people who consumed Garlic into the temples. In Asia, Hindu Priests (Brahmin classes) and Buddhists eliminated Garlic from their diet because of its aphrodisiac property, whereas in other castes, they applied externally for cuts, bruises and infections.
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