Acquiring infection is common now a day. People infected by various kinds of germs or pathogens. Some infections might be mild, vanishes in certain period with self-treatment and other infection leads to complication, and requires medical treatment.

Here let us see about one of the mild infection Paronychia, which can become chronic infection after certain period.


Paronychia is a bacterial or fungal infection infecting the skin around the finger or toenails. This infection also referred as ‘Whitlow’. The most common and affected part is finger nails than toenails. The infection in the toenails occurs when there is any ingrown toenail found in the legs.

Paronychia caused by the bacterial Paronychia or fungal Paronychia.


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The finger becomes red and swollen at the beginning stage. There might not be much pain. Later it develops in to a big swelling with the formation of pus and it spreads to the nearer fingers too. The finger has an odour.

If it continues to persists for a long period, the colour of the nail and shape changes.

There are two forms of Paronychia based on the condition of infections

  • Acute Paronychia
  • Chronic Paronychia

Acute Paronychia

Acute Paronychia caused by the bacteria Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus pyogenes, Pseudomonas, Herpes simplex and the Candida albicans – the yeast. This infection persists for less than 6 weeks.


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Chronic Paronychia

The root cause of chronic Paronychia is unknown. In several cases, the infection caused due to dermatitis in the fringe of the nail. The most specific cause of this infection is Candida albicans – the yeast and by the Pseudomonas – the bacilli. This infection persists for more than 6 weeks.


Paronychia affects people of all age groups because of poor hygiene. The germs enter easily in to the skin when the skin around the nail has cut or any injury. The infection occurs due to

  • Constantly biting nails
  • Children who sucks their fingers
  • Trimming the nails till its core
  • Frequent manicure
  • Wet hands
  • Placing artificial finger nails
  • People who has problem like dermatitis in hand

The both the types of infection are much severe with patients who has diabetes and low immunity.


A home remedy used to treat acute Paronychia infection.

  • The infected finger washed frequently in warm water. Soak the finger in warm water at least for 20 minutes.
  • The most common treatment to cure this infection is using lemon fruit.

Take a small size of lemon. Make a hole slighter than the size of the finger. Insert the finger inside the hole of the lemon fruit. If the infection is in the beginning stage, it disappears in minimum 1 or 2 days. One can experience a severe pain when the finger is inside the fruit meaning the acid present in the citrus fruit kills the germs that are present in the finger. This cures the infection.

  • The other method is using lime and turmeric powder. Take a pinch of lime powder and turmeric powder. Mix it well, apply it on the infected area, and tie it up with the cloth or betel leaf. This too causes severe pain in the affected area. This cures the infection.

Acute Paronychia disappears in few days and it rarely repeats again.

For chronic Paronychia

  • Keep the hands dry, wet free and warm.
  • Wear gloves while working in wet conditions
  • Keep the hands tidy
  • Seek physician advises since it persists more than a month.


Paronychia is a common infection that affects all age groups there is no need to panic if the condition is acute. Personal hygiene is required to get cure like not biting the nails, trimming the nails properly without affecting the skin under the nail, wearing gloves, keeping diabetes in control, using own nail clippers during manicure or pedicure.

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